In accordance with the provisions of article L 441-6 of the Commercial Code, these general conditions of sale are available at any time and systematically brought to the attention of each customer/user in order to enable them to place an order. Thus, placing an order and checking the box “I have read and validated the general conditions of sale” during the payment process implies full and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale and use by the customer.


  1. These general conditions of sale and use (hereinafter referred to as CGV) govern the activity of the company LIT PARIS (hereinafter referred to as JOUEURZ), S.A.R.L with capital of €10,000 registered with the RCS of Paris under number 830 436 465 00017, whose head office and business are located at 66, rue Joseph de Maistre in Paris (18). 
  2. These General Terms and Conditions are brought to the attention of any BUYER (natural or legal person) wishing to reserve one of our services. The fact of booking implies the full and unreserved acceptance of the buyer and his team to these General Terms and Conditions.


  1. JOUEURZ aims to organize events in the field of entertainment at 66, rue Joseph de Maistre in Paris (18).
  2. These General Terms and Conditions are applicable to all contracts for the provision of a game room between the company LIT PARIS, hereinafter referred to as JOUEURZ, on the one hand, and the users of the room, hereinafter referred to as JOUEURZ, on the other hand. USER, the person having reserved and paid for the session(s) on the site, hereinafter referred to as the BUYER and the members participating in the activity with the BUYER/USER, hereinafter referred to as the TEAM.
  3. JOUEURZ holds the right to modify or have modified the terms and conditions below, including the content of the website, at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice.


  1. The BUYER, the USER and the TEAM undertake to comply with these contractual provisions, as well as with all local and national laws and regulations, and other instructions from administrative authorities, as well as with the rules issued by the insurers if applicable.
  2. Each game room is intended for groups of 3 to 6 people for a duration of 60 minutes.
  3. The sole purpose of occupying the games room is to participate in a game of JOUEURZ and only in this one.
  4. The USER and his TEAM must appear in front of the premises in full at the exact time of the reservation made.
  5. The USER must confirm their name and present their reservation confirmation email upon request to access the game room.
  6. The minimum age for access to the games room is 7 years old. At this age and up to 16 years old, young players must be accompanied by at least one adult. However, there are 2 game modes intended for children for the game “The Infernal Cruise”. When one of these modes is selected when booking, the presence of an accompanying adult can be replaced by that of a member of the JOUEURZ team. JOUEURZ reserves the right to request identification to verify the age of a player.
  7. The service is offered in French or English. This option must be stipulated when booking online.
  8. People with reduced mobility can participate in the Le Studio puzzle under certain conditions. You should contact the JOUEURZ team to organize the game session. The Infernal Cruise enigma is not currently accessible to them.
  9. The USER and his TEAM undertake, for the entire duration of their presence on the JOUEURZ premises, to behave reasonably, to comply with the rules and to cooperate with JOUEURZ staff. JOUEURZ does not tolerate any form of intimidation or harassment towards its staff. JOUEURZ reserves the right to take all measures to prohibit access to its premises to any person whose behavior is considered inappropriate (in particular people under the influence of drugs or alcohol). This ban on access to the facilities does not entitle you to any refund, compensation or postponement.
  10. L’ACHETEUR / UTILISATEUR et son ÉQUIPE acceptent d’ores et déjà que JOUEURZ ne pourra être tenu responsable des dommages créés par L’UTILISATEUR et son ÉQUIPE au sein de ses locaux. 
  11. The BUYER / USER and his TEAM already accept that JOUEURZ cannot be held responsible for damage created by THE USER and his TEAM within its premises.
  12. The BUYER and his TEAM are required to use the game room in such a way as not to cause or risk causing any damage to other users, the environment, the premises and the equipment.

  13. The USER and his/her TEAM now undertake to resolve any intentional, involuntary damage or damage caused by improper use of the equipment. Joueurz reserves the right to take legal action.
  14. The USER and his TEAM may not bring and/or consume drinks or food on JOUEURZ premises. 
  15. The USER and his TEAM will not be able to make any recordings (audio, video or photographic) within the game room in order to maintain the interest and confidentiality of the game. They will therefore leave their telephones and other recording devices outside. outside the games room in a locker provided for this purpose.
  16. The USER and his/her TEAM undertake not to disclose game details directly or indirectly to third parties.
  17. Animals are not accepted within JOUEURZ premises.


The BUYER and their TEAM agree that the maximum duration of the game is 60 minutes, whether they have solved all the puzzles in the game or not. Likewise, they accept that the game ends before 60 minutes if they have managed to solve all the puzzles, without this entitling them to a price adjustment.


  1. Only adults (over 18 years old) can make a reservation on the website.
  2. It is the responsibility of the BUYER and the TEAM to verify that the reserved game meets their expectations.
  3. Reservations can only be made on the website
  4. The availability of the games room is subject to reservation and prior payment.
  5. The reservation is recorded by the buyer on the website under the “online reservation” section within the limits of the slots available for a specific date and time.
  6. The reservation will only be firm and final after validation of payment and receipt of the confirmation email.
  7. The transfer of a reservation is possible provided that JOUEURZ is notified 10 days in advance. The BUYER must contact JOUEURZ within this period either by email or by telephone, indicating the name of the person who will replace him on the day of the reservation, including for the payment of additional sums (change of group size, rooms …) which will be paid on site.
  8. Reservations cannot be transferred or resold for commercial purposes. If a booking is transferred or resold in breach of this condition, the holder of the booking or person claiming the right to attend the event will be refused admission.
  9. If the BUYER and his team are more than 15 minutes late on the initial reservation time, the reservation becomes invalid and entry will be refused. As the sessions are “live”, 30 minutes are necessary for the JOUEURZ team to reinstall the room and welcome the next team in the best conditions. The BUYER may under no circumstances request a postponement or partial or total refund.
  10. JOUEURZ reserves the right to modify the allocation of the game room in the event of unavailability of the reserved room, without the BUYER being able to take advantage of this.


  1. A customer wishing to purchase a gift voucher must pay the amount at the time of purchase. A gift voucher is valid for 18 months from the date of purchase. After its expiration date, the gift voucher is neither replaceable nor refundable
  2. It can be used once on the reservation page of the site, to reserve one or more gaming sessions. It cannot be used to purchase a gift voucher.
  3. A gift voucher does not entitle you to any monetary compensation, total or partial, including change. It cannot be returned, exchanged or refunded (even in the event of loss or theft).
  4. The gift voucher is a method of payment, it does not allow entry to the room and does not guarantee the availability of places.
  5. If a purchase exceeds the balance of the gift voucher, the remainder must be paid by another means of payment.


  1. The price of a reservation is communicated on the website at the address: This price is communicated in euros, all taxes included, for the provision of the room lasting 60 minutes.
  2. Any other service not included in the initial reservation will result in additional invoicing.
  3. The price is set according to the date, time and the number of people making up the same team (the maximum number of participants per team is stipulated on the website depending on the game chosen).
  4. JOUEURZ reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, the service being however invoiced on the basis of the rates in force at the time of payment of the reservation.
  5. If a BUYER and their TEAM arrive in greater numbers than the initial reservation, the price difference will be payable on site. As a reminder, the maximum number of players per room is 6.


  1. JOUEURZ accepts the following payments :
    1. Online by credit card, ANCV Connect holiday voucher or transfers for quotes.
    2. On site: Checks, cash or physical holiday vouchers. In case of payment on site, a deposit must be paid in advance of the reservation
  2. Full payment is required at the time of booking.
  3. JOUEURZ has entrusted its payment system to a service provider specializing in securing online payments and does not store any data linked to the payment system in its databases.
  4. JOUEURZ reserves the right to refuse any reservation to a client and his team who have not paid all of the services which would have been invoiced to him.
  5. During certain promotional operations, discounts may be applied in the form of codes. Where applicable, these reductions can only be applied at the time of booking and are neither retroactive nor cumulative. The reduction code is added by the buyer at the time of booking on the site and cannot therefore give rise to any compensation in the event of forgetting, or ignorance of the existence of such a reduction.


  1. If the BUYER or USER shows up with his or her team in fewer numbers than the initial reservation, neither can claim reimbursement of the price difference.
  2. No refund or postponement will be made in the event of cancellation by the BUYER and his TEAM. It is however possible to modify your reservation for the gaming rooms (only) under certain conditions, which will result in the creation of a credit for the amount paid from which a deduction will be subtracted in the following cases:

Order placed less than 24 hours ago and cancellation request more than 4 hours before booking

Credit note without restraint

Cancellation request more than 14 days before booking

Credit note without restraint

Cancellation request between 13 days and 48 hours before booking

Credit note without restraint of 30%

Cancellation request between 48 hours and 4 hours before booking

Credit note without restraint of  104 € per room

In the case of a professional reservation of a service validated by a quote or by a business provider, the following fees will be applied in the event of cancellation depending on the notification period:

30 days before booking

No charges

Between 14 and 30 days before booking

50% of the order amount including tax

Between 7 and 13 days before booking

80% of the order amount including tax

Moins de 6 jours avant la réservation

Less than 6 days before booking

3.JOUEURZ reserves the right to cancel a reservation without having to give a reason. Cancellation solely by JOUEURZ will result in reimbursement of the price of the reservation, to the exclusion of any other sum that could be claimed as damages or otherwise.


  1. L’ACHETEUR est responsable de l’exactitude des informations saisies sur le formulaire de réservation en ligne. 
  2. L’ACHETEUR accepte de recevoir des informations et offres promotionnelles par courriel en communiquant son adresse mail. 
  3. En saisissant son numéro de téléphone sur le formulaire de contact ou de réservation, l’ACHETEUR accepte d’être contacté par téléphone par JOUEURZ. 
  4. JOUEURZ s’engage à ne transmettre aucune donnée personnelle à des personnes physiques ou morales extérieures à JOUEURZ, sauf dans les cas prévus par la loi. 
  5. Aucun enregistrement vidéo n’est effectué durant votre présence dans la salle de jeu.
  6. A des fins de sécurité des membres du personnel et de l’ensemble des UTILISATEURS, un enregistrement vidéo est effectué à l’entrée ainsi qu’à la sortie des locaux.
  7. Des photos de l’ensemble des membres d’équipe d’UTILISATEURS pourront être prises avant, pendant ou après la session de jeu. Ces photos pourront être utilisées par JOUEURZ à des fins de communication digitale sur son site ou l’ensemble des ses réseaux sociaux. Ces mêmes photos pourront être envoyées aux UTILISATEURS sur demande écrite.


  1. L’ACHETEUR et son ÉQUIPE s’engagent d’ores et déjà à respecter toutes les mesures de sécurité qui lui sont données, qu’elles soient contractuelles, affichées sur le site ou données oralement par le personnel de JOUEURZ sachant qu’ils seront instruits avant leur entrée dans la salle de jeu. 
  2. JOUEURZ ne sera pas tenu responsable des dommages (corporels ou matériels) commis en ne suivant pas les règles décrites avant le jeu, en ayant une mauvaise utilisation d’objet dans la salle de jeu ou par des objets dans la salle de jeu. 
  3. JOUEURZ déconseille l’usage de talons hauts au sein de la salle de jeu. Il est conseillé de privilégier des chaussures confortables. 


  1. Le site internet dénommé SITE INTERNET est exploité par la société LIT PARIS. LIT PARIS détient le droit de modifier ou de faire modifier les termes et conditions ci-dessous, y compris le contenu de son site internet, à tout moment, à sa seule discrétion et sans avis préalable. 
  2. Les présentes CGV s’appliquent à tous les visiteurs du SITE INTERNET et doivent être lues attentivement avant toute utilisation. 
  3. JOUEURZ s’efforce de communiquer les informations les plus à jour et exactes possibles sur son SITE INTERNET. 
  4. JOUEURZ ne sera pas légalement responsable envers toute personne pour des dommages directs ou indirects, consécutifs ou fortuits, y compris (sans limitation) perte de profits ou recettes, perte d’opportunité, coûts des biens de remplacement ou de services, de perte ou de dommages à l’interruption de données ou d’affaires, découlant de toute utilisation du site internet. 
  5. JOUEURZ ne sera pas légalement tenu responsable de tout dommage que l’acheteur pourrait subir à la suite de la perte d’informations transmis à JOUEURZ. 
  6. Le site internet de JOUEURZ est pour votre usage personnel et non-commercial. Il est strictement interdit de modifier, copier, distribuer, transmettre, afficher, exécuter, reproduire, publier, licencier, créer des œuvres dérivées, transférer ou vendre toute information obtenue à partir du site internet. Les marques et logos affichés sur le site internet sont la propriété de JOUEURZ.